Abbey Chapter No. 432 – Installation Meeting

At the regular meeting of the Abbey Chapter No. 432 held on Monday 10th October 2022, the Companions saw the Induction of E. Comp David Handley as the chapters 1st Principal, E. Comp Anthony Bowley as the 2nd Principal, and Andrew Ibbitson installed as the new 3rd Principal.

The Presiding Officer for the evening was E. Comp John Hayward PGStdB, APGP with E. Comps’ David Richardson PAGD, PProvGSN and Kevin Garner acting as 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals respectively who were ably supported by E. Comp Michael S Smith, ProvDepGDC.

These photographs were taken shortly after the chapter was closed.

 From left to right, E. Comp Anthony Bowley, E. Comp David Handley and E. Comp Andrew Ibbitson

The Provincial Team from left to right,

E. Comp David Richardson, E. Comp John Hayward and E. Comp Kevin Garner


A lovely picture taken of the Chapter Principals accompanied by the Provincial Acting Officers for the Chapters library!


As you would expect from such a distinguished team of Warwickshire Companions, the Festive Board which followed was a delight to experience and was enjoyed by all of the Companions who were present.


Michael S Smith, who took the photo’s but missed taking a ‘selfie’



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