Buddy Bag Foundation
A fine example of the Craft and the Royal Arch Freemasons coming together to support the “Buddy Bag Foundation”. This wonderful charity helps to make a difference to children who have entered emergency accommodation after fleeing domestic violence.
The Provincial Grand Almoner E. Comp Rod Hinton, Provincial Grand Charity Steward E.Comp Steve Price and W. Bro John Davies who introduced the charity, were pleased to accept this award for “Top Fundraiser of the Year” on behalf of Warwickshire Freemasons and will continue to give support to this worthwhile charity.
This was a particularly special event as the Buddy Bag Foundation had received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in the last year of our Queen Elizabeth II Reign.
Stonehouse Gang.
The Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund along with the generosity of its members of the Royal Arch, were able to support this wonderful charity in purchasing a snooker table.
The Stonehouse Gang is a voluntary youth organisation founded in 1938 which serves the South West of Birmingham, particularly encompassing the hard-to-reach children and young people. Their aim is to provide activities, opportunities and support for children and young people, particularly those that are disadvantaged and with disabilities, their families, NEET individuals and older people.
There is a considerable amount of hardship in the area. With austerity measures applied, there is very little else for the local community. They are still able to provide opportunities and activities, although they are finding it increasingly more difficult to sustain their existing programme.
The area is a typical urban housing estate with all the problems associated with them. Unemployment, social mobility and theft is very common, as is the problems associated with drug misuse. Young people and their families are suffering as a result of these issues in the area.
Statistics taken from the indices of deprivation proves that the area needs help, support and guidance from centres like the Stonehouse Gang, and if Freemasons in general can support them, long may they continue the good work.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Rod Hinton. Prov. G. Almoner
Free@last is one of the regular Charities which is supported by the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund.
The Provincial Grand Almoner E. Comp Rod Hinton Accompanied by the Assistant to the Principals E. Comp John Hayward, was pleased to present a cheque for £2,300.00 to John Street the Director.
We were very impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication to the ethos of the charity, which is to keep young people off the streets in the Nechells area of Birmingham and away from “gang culture”. The Benevolent Fund have sponsored Free@last in total £7,525.00. Thanks to the Royal Arch
Freemasons of Warwickshire through their generous donations to the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Benevolent fund we are able to support these deserving charities.
Buddy Bag Foundation
In congratulating the buddy bag foundation for their Queens Award for Voluntary Service The Royal Arch Benevolent Fund were pleased to donate £1500.00 to sponsor their T shirts.
All thanks to the generosity from the Companions of Warwickshire.
St Giles Hospice
Yenton Chapter 3484 raised £67.00 at their March meeting, by using the Chapter Giving Support Scheme the donation to St Giles Hospice was increased to £110.00.
Charity Steward E. Comp Roger Cook accompanied by E. Comp Robert Wheale presented the cheque for £110 to Lucy Derry, Regional Fundraiser for the Hospice who said “we recognised for a very long time that it takes a community to make a hospice and it is very clear that we have never needed you more than we do today” Thank you.
“Olly the Brave”
Thanks to Greville Chapter using the Chapter-Giving Support Scheme their donation of £135.00 was increased to £225.00 from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Benevolent Fund. The scheme is available to all Chapters, and your donations could be enhanced by the PGC of WBF.
Molly Olly’s provides gifts for children aged 0-18 who have life-threatening illnesses.
Wishes have an average value of £500 and can be for anything and everything from medical aids and equipment, toys, bedroom makeovers, outside play equipment and garden improvements, days out, shopping vouchers, electronic devices, arts and crafts, funds to help with transport costs etc.
Each wish is as unique as the child and the aim is that the wishes help these children through extremely challenging circumstances and provide special memories for those around them.
Rachel Ollerenshaw, co – founder of the Charity and “Olly the Brave” would like to thank the Members of Greville Chapter for their kindness and continued generosity.
Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity
Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity have received a generous donation from Vesey Chapter of £250.00. This donation was increased from a £157.00 collection to £250.00 from the Chapter-Giving Support Scheme. This Scheme is available to all Chapters.
The Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, believe there’s always more that can be done for sick children and that’s why they will always strive to do more for their patients and families.
It’s their mission to raise the vital funds needed to make a real difference to all who use the hospital’s services, offering them the best experience possible.
It is only through the kindness, generosity and hard work of their supporters raising these vital funds for the charity that they are able to do more and more every year to take them closer to achieving their vision to provide the best possible facilities and environment at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, for the exceptional patients and young people.
The Charity thank the members of Vesey Chapter for their continued Support.
Kidney Research UK
Once again thanks to the generous donation from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire
Benevolent Fund and the use of the Chapter-Giving Support Scheme, The Chapter of Rectitude’s collection of £172.00 was increased to £300.00.
This will enable Kidney Research UK to continue the excellent lifesaving work of which Kathryn was a beneficiary after receiving a kidney donated by her father Mr Abraham.
L-R Mr Abraham, Mrs L Elliott, Kathryn Croker, E. Comp M Elliott & Mrs Abraham.
Molly Olly’s Wishes
Comp Mervyn Kimberley the MEZ & Charity Steward of Shakespeare Chapter was pleased to receive a cheque from the Provincial Grand Almoner E. Comp Rod Hinton to support the Molly Olly’s Wishes Charity.
With the aid of the Chapter Charity- Giving support scheme, their collection of £220.00 has been
increased to £500.00 by the Benevolent Fund to support this well-deserved charity.
The following picture shows E.Comp Mervyn presenting a cheque for £500.00 to Rachel Olorenshaw, the founder of “Molly Olly’s “ at their charity HQ in Warwick.
Rachel was extremely grateful for the additional generosity from the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund. The Charity Molly Olly’s are able to continue their work with children and young people afflicted by cancer and life-threatening illnesses. Rachel wishes to thank everyone concerned for their kindness and support.
Companions, please remember that the Chapter Charity-Giving support scheme is available to all Chapters who’s donations to Charities selected by them could be further enhanced by the Royal Arch Benevolent Fund.
Easter Smiles 2022
Last year I became aware that in the area covered by Warwickshire Freemasons over 3,000 children were currently living in hostels, Bed and Breakfasts or Sheltered Accommodation through no fault their own. Some with single parents due to domestic abuse who require protection and some due to other reasons such as family hardship due to the pandemic, causing their parents to lose their jobs and their homes.
I was completely overwhelmed by the fantastic response of Warwickshire Freemasons from all Orders, their friends and family. This generosity enabled me to not only provide for those children previously mentioned but allowed me to extend the donations to disabled children in schools such as Priestley-Smith School for Blind and partially sighted children, Zoe’s Place who support children with cancer and other local charities who support disadvantaged children.
My target was to purchase 500 eggs. We raised enough to buy 3,000, which was truly magnificent. I was able to deliver many of those eggs and to see the “Easter Smiles” on so many children’s faces was reward enough. I am unashamedly back again this year and ask you to help me exceed last year’s achievement.
I will again, with the help of Morrison’s Supermarket in Coventry and Buddy Bags, who help to distribute to the more sensitive locations, be able to reach out to as many as possible across all parts of our Province. As this horrible pandemic has continued it has only increased the hardship of many families and children.
I thank you for whatever you can give no matter how big or small your donation. You can make your donation in the same way as last year on this Just Giving page.
The Royal Arch and the Royal Arch Benevolent Fund will offer whatever assistance is needed in delivery of the eggs.
W Bro. Andrew K Staker
Little Sisters of the Poor
Thanks to the generosity of the Warwickshire Royal Arch Masons yet again we are able to support a charity who asked for help. The Provincial Grand Almoner E. Comp Rod Hinton accompanied by the Provincial Grand Joshua E.Comp Nigel Hawkins presented a cheque of £3,500.00 to the Sister and Caring staff of the Little Sisters of the Poor, this donation will buy two Bariatric air flow mattresses and five bedside tables.
They have not been able to fundraise for nearly two years and have many growing needs within the home to maintain the comfort, safety and well-being of the residents who need the most care. There is need to renew the alternating pressure relieving mattresses for the frailest residents. There is also a need for replacement bedside tables and new shower/commode chairs to help with infection control standards.
With the aid of the W.R.A.B.F supported by the Chapters and Members of the Province of Warwickshire we are able to support the charities when we are called upon.
Free at Last
“Benevolent Fund makes a grant to “free@last” charity on its 20th Anniversary”.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Philip Hall accompanied by Howard Smith ProvGCh Stwd, Rod Hinton ProvGAlm, David Satchwell President of the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund and David Mander Secretary to the Fund presented a cheque for £5,225.00 on Thursday 26th September to John Street the CEO , director and founder of the “free@last” charity to pay for the equipment to fit out an entrepreneurial room including 3D printer, sewing machines, pottery wheel, cabinets, jewellery making tools, computer software etc.
John Street had impressed the team from the Benevolent Fund on an earlier visit with his enthusiasm and dedication to the ethos of the charity, which is to keep youth off the streets in the Nechells area of Birmingham. In so doing the intention is to create a culture which encourages young people away from gang culture, and the consequent risk of drugs involvement, self-harming, and sexual exploitation and crime.
The Grand Superintendent and his team experienced a tour of all the facilities to which the new workshop will be an addition. The charity already provides a gym, climbing wall , DJ studio, YouTube suite, and other community facilities, together with a special room designed to help train young people to be self-sufficient and to live alone – whether it be to cook, iron, wash etc. All these facilities are key factors in helping reduce child poverty so they can experience creativity and potentially earn their own money on new business projects or digital concepts. This developmental approach has been shown to create self-confidence which is key to their development and helps assist them in making the right decisions for their life.
With the support and help from a National Lottery Grant John was able to get all the recent building work and improvements completed. There now stands a great community facility open to all which serves the local area and local schools. The new building is under the banner of a ‘Children, Youth and Community Centre’, and is a credit to the regeneration of the area.
The vision of the charity is to improve the lives of children and young people across the community of Nechells and help turn it from one where poverty and deprivation is rife into one of prosperity, ambition and opportunity.
A very worthy cause !
Coventry Children’s Boot FundComp Tony Richards the Charity Steward of Trinity Chapter was pleased to receive a cheque from the Provincial Grand Superintendent E. Comp Philip L Hall to support the Coventry Children’s Boot Fund.
With the aid of the Chapter Charity- Giving support scheme, their collection of £148.00 has been increased to £300.00 by the Benevolent Fund to support this well-deserved charity.
The Chapter Charity Support scheme is available to all Chapters.
Leamington Spa Hospital Stoke Ward
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Benevolent Fund donated £4,300.00 for a new Carino specialist shower chair for stroke patients Feldon Ward at Leamington Spa Hospital.
The height-adjustable chair will benefit patient’s suffering from a stroke that have limited mobility.
A member of the Chapter, John Durling, asked the group to consider making the grant after the ward cared for his late wife, Heather Ann Durling.
Mr Durling said, “I am very pleased we are able to support Feldon Ward’s patients and staff with this new addition. I am grateful for the care they gave to my wife last year and I hope the new shower chair benefits many of their current and future patients.”
The shower chair enables patients to retain more dignity during washing and ensures excellent hygiene.
Feldon Ward Manager Chris Powell added, “We are incredibly grateful to The Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire and Mr Durling for this very kind donation in memory of Mrs Durling. The new shower chair will really improve the experience of patients on the ward.”
Easter Smiles
When I first set out to raise money for an Easter Egg for Homeless Children in the Province of Warwickshire I set my target at 500 thinking it was is better to support some even if it were not possible to help them all. Well, I have been completely overwhelmed by the generosity of the Masonic family of Warwickshire. The fantastic amount of more than £5,000.00 donated not only allowed us to provide an egg for the 500 disadvantaged children living in temporary, sheltered and hostel accommodation but to the 3,000 plus that we know are in this terrible situation. Such has been the support it has also enabled us to reach out to children who will be in hospitals across the province this Easter and disabled children in special needs schools.
We have been able to support so many children in Shipston-on-Stour, Rugby, Stratford, Warwick, Coventry, Nuneaton, Atherstone, Erdington and Birmingham.
Andy is pictured, with just a few of the eggs, in this case being delivered to Warwick Hospital.
As we approach Easter Ex Comp Philip Hall our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent has this message for all companions. “Our Masonry not only teaches us to be a better person but to look beyond ourselves and reach out to others. Your support for this worthy cause has been magnificent”.
A special thank you also goes out to Morrison’s Supermarket at The Alvis Retail Park in Coventry who so generously discounted the eggs and Eddie Gormley their ‘Morrison’s in the Community’ Manager who, so enthusiastically gave his own time and effort delivering the eggs to us.
Finally, a big thank you to The Buddy Bag Foundation for their help, who along with some of the Brethren gave their time and energy to distributing the 3,000 plus eggs to the four corners of Warwickshire.
I can guarantee to all who gave that you will most definitely not only have put a big “SMILE” on those children’s faces, and on mine, but I also hope your own.
This has been Warwickshire Freemasonry at it’s very best.
Comp. Andy Staker
Claverdon Village Playground
“Covid-19” will not stop us from supporting our Charities Claverdon Village Playground Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire. Provincial Grand Almoner & Charity Steward were aware of the difficult position the fund raising committee were in as they were unable to meet their target and place the order for the Playground by 31st March 2020 to secure £8,000.00 grant from their Parish Council. With the quick response of the Benevolent fund Secretary and the majority of the Trustees we were able to secure a mandate to complete their target with the donation of £3,144.00
Thanks to the generosity of the Companions supporting The Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Benevolent Fund we are in a position to respond to requests for help.
Warwickshire & Solihull Blood Bikes
Thanks to your support and generosity with your donations to the Benevolent Fund, I was able to send a cheque for £1,000.00 to the Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes.
With this donation they were able to buy high visibility jackets and five cool boxes essential for carrying medical supplies and samples.
W&SBB are a voluntary organization that operate an out of hours service for the NHS, transporting blood samples and vital urgent medical equipment throughout Solihull & Warwickshire free of charge thereby saving money that can be put to effective use elsewhere.
Once again Companions we have been able to support a worthwhile Charity thanks to your generosity.
Comp Rod Hinton Provincial Grand Almoner.
Ashby House, Nuneaton – Sensory Garden
Our Provincial Charity Steward recently outlined the way in which the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund is supporting a great number of Charities:-
One of the projects mentioned was that of a water feature in the new Sensory Garden at Ashby House residential care centre in Nuneaton. This is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust specialising in the provision of high quality respite care breaks for adults with learning disabilities and associated health needs. It provides 24 hour care supported by registered learning disability nurses and skilled health care assistants.
In such difficult situations environment is so important and we are therefore very pleased that we have been able to support the unit by paying for a water feature in the Sensory Garden. On a suitably very wet June Day the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp Phil Hall presented a cheque for £5,451.00 to Kim Morgan, Home Manager with the support of Trust Chairman, Jagtar Singh.
Your money and Charity In Action – Freemasonry adding value to the lives of those much less fortunate than ourselves.
The Buddy Bag Foundation
The Buddy-Bag Foundation has been supported by the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund over the last two years, to which Chapters have so generously made donations.
Through your generosity the BBF have been able to ease the suffering from domestic abuse, which many families find themselves in this situation, particularly children.
This message was sent from a Mum who had received a Buddy-Bag, unfortunately I had to delete the child’s photo due to the sensitive nature of the situation.
This does not detract from the impact of the content of the message and from a Mum who would like to say thank you to the Warwickshire Royal Arch Masons and to remind you of what a difference you have made by your generosity.
Rod Hinton – Provincial Grand Almoner.
Back to School – Braidwood School for the Deaf
It was back to School recently for E Comp Bill Chippendale, MEZ of Chapter of Faith & Hope No 4772; in this case a very special school. E Comp Bill returned to the Braidwood Trust School for the Deaf where 20 years ago he had been Headteacher to present a cheque for £400.00. Present Headteacher Mrs Karen Saywood was delighted to receive it.
As can be seen from the photograph E Comp Bill was pleased to put his ‘signing’ capabilities to good use when doing this, once learnt never forgotten.
The cheque was presented at the School’s Awards Presentation and will be used to transport students to the Wyndley Swimming Baths in Sutton Coldfield for lessons.
The donation represented one of the Chapter’s charity collections and was augmented with support from the Chapters’ Charity-Giving Support Scheme and the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Benevolent Fund.
All Chapters are encouraged to apply for support from the Scheme so as to enhance local giving. This provides a great opportunity to make a real and positive impact in our local communities.
Wilson Stuart School, Erdington
Another recent donation of £23,000.00 from the Benevolent Fund has been committed to the Wilson Stuart School in Erdington, Birmingham http://www.wilsonstuart.co.uk/ to fund new rebound therapy and nursery facilities. This is taking place in two phases, the first of which was completed in March 2016 and the second planed for completion in October 2017.
The new dedicated rebound therapy facility, will be used by primary and secondary age children with complex physical and learning disabilities. A key feature in the new room is the special floor level, trampoline style rebound bed, which helps children to relax, develop their balance skills, improve concentration and enhance their movement and fitness levels.
Wilson Stuart School expressed their appreciation to the Royal Arch Freemasons of Warwickshire on their website. http://www.wilsonstuart.co.uk/about-us/rebound-therapy/The Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire consistently supports individual charities over long periods, whilst at local level, Chapters also make individual donations to the community, supporting hospitals, hospices, churches, and many other non-masonic worthy causes.
Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance
The first beneficiary of the Royal Arch Benevolent Fund charity was the Warwickshire Air Ambulance where a donation of £25,000.00 was made in 2007 to enable them to continue their vital service.
The Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance received a further donation of £10,000.00 in December 2016 and many more donations since, as well as those from individual Chapters. Since 2007 other charities around Warwickshire have received grants, among which have been The Warwickshire Firefighter Fund, Age Concern to purchase a people carrier and Crossroads Care in Coventry to set-up a Stars Club for children with special needs and disabilities.
Smaller donations have been made to charities, some of whose logo appears below, by a supplement from the Royal Arch Benevolent Fund to Chapter originated donations.