From our Correspondent – Back in Time

Apollo Chapter – Feb 2019

Companions, have you ever had the opportunity to attend a meeting at Alcester?  If not, you are missing a treat.  So many of us are used to the familiar surroundings of meeting places like Yenton, Rugby or Alderson House but few can boast such a history as the Town Hall in Alcester in which Apollo Chapter No 301 meets.  Constructed in 1641, it has all the quirks of an old, historic building.  Not an easy building to tyle, apparently at one meeting, a lady’s head popped up in the opposite corner to ask for a car to be moved which was blocking her in!!

The Companions of Apollo are obviously scholars of history as the first item of business after approving the minutes was to ballot for, as a joining member, the publican of the nearby licensed premises at which the Chapter holds its Festive Board.  This is, of course, a throw back to those days when a lodge met in the upstairs room in a public house and then, as now, it was seen as most beneficial to have the landlord as a member!

The Presiding Officer, EComp John Emms, was most ably joined by EComps David Richardson and Nigel Hawkins who acted as the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals respectively.  As is often the case, it was special for EComp Nigel who is a member (and Treasurer!!) of Apollo.  With only one of the three new Chapter Principals being installed – the MEZ & H were both inducted – the Provincial team had a little less to do than usual but their three addresses were nevertheless superb, especially that to the Chapter delivered by EComp Nigel who was clearly channelling his inner Churchill!!

The Chapter was pleased to announce a candidate for Exaltation – that’s three meetings on the trot at which Exaltees have been proposed and that is surely a very positive sign for the Royal Arch in Warwickshire; the ceremony will take place in June.  Having enjoyed a delightful meeting, the Companions adjourned to said public house for a wonderful Festive Board which, as the Presiding Officer observed, had a real buzz about it.  So, Companions, if you are free on Wednesday 26th June, get yourself invited to Apollo’s next meeting – you won’t regret it!


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