E. Companion Richard Barker, MEZ of the Provincial Grand Stewards’ Chapter of Warwickshire has arranged for very special visitors to attend their December meeting. They will be hosting The M.E.… Read More

  • Grand Superintendent’s Address

    Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter 16th October 2021 – Rugby Masonic Hall Companions Well, after the last 19 months I say again, isn’t it great to be back. By… Read More

  • Athol at it again!

    If you want to know the time, we were always told to ask a policeman.  If you want to have a very special night and see some very different ritual,… Read More

  • Vesey Chapter gets the set!

    As with so many other chapters, the companions of Vesey Chapter were returning to their masonic business having not met since February 2020.  They didn’t need to worry about trying… Read More

  • Shakespeare Chapter off to a great start!

    Thursday 26th August 2021 was a very special day for the companions of Shakespeare Chapter in particular and for the Province of Warwickshire in general.  It was their first convocation… Read More

  • A Message from Wales

    Dear Sir and Companions, The ME Grand Superintendent (aka the Head of Royal Arch Freemasons in Warwickshire) has shared some of his thoughts as we begin to resume our active… Read More

About Us

Freemasonry is not a quasi political or religious organisation, but a means of enhancing our commitment to our social, moral and lawful duties, and our faith in a Supreme Being. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the climax of Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Read More

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