• Oh Wonderful Mason – 50 Years in the Royal Arch Marked

    Excellent Companion David J F Rawlins Past Assistant Grand Sojourner Very Worshipful Brother David John Frederick Rawlins Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire Right Worshipful Brother David… Read More

  • SGC Appointments & Promotions

    It is with great pleasure and delight that I announce the following Grand Rank Appointments and Promotions: E.Comp Geoffrey Walker is the recipient of a 1st Appointment in an acting… Read More

  • VISION 2020 – Photos

    Dear Companions,   What a great success this morning’s conference turned out to be – a real buzz around the event and excellent engagement all round. Thank you to all… Read More

  • Annual Church Service – Photo Snaps

    Thanks goes to E.Comp Simon Grove for capturing some excellent pictures from the Annual Church Service of the Companions and their partners at was a most enjoyable occasion once more.… Read More

  • 1st Principals Dinner – February 2020

    PrinDin 2020 The great and the good were out in force last week at Kings Norton Golf Club. The reason – the annual Royal Arch Principals’ and Past Principals’ Dinner.… Read More

  • Buddy Bag Foundation

    Rod Hinton and Howard Smith of the Warwickshire Royal Arch Masons presented a cheque for £3000 to the Buddy Bag Foundation. This generous donation will purchase 120 Buddy Bags of… Read More

About Us

Freemasonry is not a quasi political or religious organisation, but a means of enhancing our commitment to our social, moral and lawful duties, and our faith in a Supreme Being. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the climax of Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Read More

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