
  • Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire – Appointments or Reappointments 2021

    Dear Companions It gives me enormous pleasure to announce that at the next due date of the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire that I will be… Read More

  • SGC Appointments & Promotions message from the Grand Superintendent

    The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Philip L Hall arranged a Zoom meeting to congratulate the new appointments and promotions in Grand Rank on what should have been the Supreme Grand… Read More

  • Message of Thanks from The Buddy-Bag Foundation

    Dear Companions,   The Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund has supported over the last twelve months The Buddy-Bag Foundation to which you have so generously made donations.   Through your generosity the BBF have been able to… Read More

  • Easter Eggs for Homeless Children in Warwickshire

    Bringing Easter Egg “Smiles” to Warwickshire Companions All, When I first set out to raise money for an Easter Egg for Homeless Children in the Province of Warwickshire I set… Read More


    WARWICKSHIRE ROYAL ARCH BENEVOLENT FUND   Changes have taken place within the management committee and the trustees of the Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund, of which all Companions should be… Read More

  • SGC Appointments & Promotions 2021

        Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire Supreme Grand Chapter Appointments & Promotions 2021   There were a few pleasant surprises here in the Province this month, when letters from… Read More

About Us

Freemasonry is not a quasi political or religious organisation, but a means of enhancing our commitment to our social, moral and lawful duties, and our faith in a Supreme Being. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the climax of Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Read More

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