• Swan of Avon No. 2133 – Centenary Charter Presentation Ceremony

    On Tuesday 25th of January, the members of the Swan of Avon Chapter No 2133 were delighted to attend a rather unusual, but regular meeting of the Chapter when the… Read More

  • Composite Chapter No. 5727 – Exaltation

    The members of the Composite Chapter No 5727 and our visitors had a most enjoyable evening at our Convocation held on Thursday 13th January 2022, when we welcomed a new… Read More

  • THE Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund

    Companions, as this is written, we are just starting the New Year, our Royal Arch Convocations are once more taking place and now more than ever The Warwickshire Royal Arch… Read More

  • Grand Superintendent’s New Year 2022 Address

    Dear Companions, Our Grand Superintend has taken time out over the Christmas break to make another of his short video messages wishing you and your family a Happy New Year,… Read More

  • Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund – Donation to the Little Sisters of the Poor

    Dear Companions, Thanks to the generosity of the Warwickshire Royal Arch Masons yet again we are able to support a charity who asked for help. The Provincial Grand Almoner E.… Read More

  • Trinity Chapter 254

    Dear Companions, E. Comp Tony Richards the Charity Steward of Trinity Chapter was pleased to receive a cheque from the Provincial Grand Superintendent E. Comp Philip L Hall to support… Read More

About Us

Freemasonry is not a quasi political or religious organisation, but a means of enhancing our commitment to our social, moral and lawful duties, and our faith in a Supreme Being. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the climax of Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Read More

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