• On my Way Home – From our Correspondent

    Guy’s Chapter – Feb 2019 All good things must come to an end Companions.  After an excellent week of roving reporting, it is time for me to return to, as… Read More

  • From our Correspondent – Smiles all round

    Chapter of Rectitude– Feb 2019 Companions, as you all hopefully know, the Grand Superintendent believes that a Royal Arch Freemason is not properly dressed without a smile.  One who certainly… Read More

  • From our Correspondent – Back in Time

    Apollo Chapter – Feb 2019 Companions, have you ever had the opportunity to attend a meeting at Alcester?  If not, you are missing a treat.  So many of us are… Read More

  • From our Correspodent – Sojourn On

    Trinity Chapter – Feb 2019   It is always special when visiting a lodge or chapter but it is even more so when it is a particularly old one as… Read More

  • That’s Magic

    A busy time in the Royal Arch with well known companion, E Comp Peter Astfalck receiving his 50 year Certificate from MEGS, E Comp Phil Hall at Stoneleigh Chapter No… Read More

  • From our Correspondent

    Over the next few days E Comp Simon Grove will travel from his Babylonian bondage in Swindon and will be undertaking a sojourn around Warwickshire Chapters.  His first visit has… Read More

About Us

Freemasonry is not a quasi political or religious organisation, but a means of enhancing our commitment to our social, moral and lawful duties, and our faith in a Supreme Being. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the climax of Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Read More

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