Guy’s Cliffe Chapter No. 8874 – Welcome a Joining Member & an Exaltee at their most recent meeting.

The companions of Guy’s Cliffe RA Chapter No 8874 were very pleased indeed to welcome two new members to their chapter last Monday at their last meeting of the 2022/23 season. Bro Darren Price was exalted, and his close friend and work colleague E Comp Martin Glenny P Prov ADC(RA) became a joining member. Both are members of St Catherine craft lodge No 6823 and so reinforced the existing long-standing ties between that lodge and Guy’s Cliffe Chapter.


The picture shows the chapter principals welcoming Darren and Martin to their ranks. Sadly, the plan to have a summery festive board outside in the courtyard at Guy’s Cliffe had to be called off due to the inclement weather.

The chapter continues to look for further new members. Any offers?!

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